Insider News Letter IFMSL – Volume 05 Issue 01 2020
This is a magazine issued by IFMSL in 2020 mainly focusing on the COVID-19 pandemic situation. This includes a brief discussion about IFMSL and its journey. Afterward, it discusses how to combat COVID-19 with Smart facilities management. This article focus on how to prepare the workplace for COVID-19 with building automation systems and what are the circumstances that should be mainly focused on in preparing the workplace. Furthermore, the role of a facility manager amidst the COVID-19 pandemic in Sri Lanka is discussed. On the other hand, transferring facilities management knowledge to project management is discussed explaining the importance of integration of facilities management and project management. In addition to that, this includes an article about promoting female facility management leadership highlighting the strengths and opportunities for female FM career development. On the other hand, while collecting information about FM, the information about FM service providers related to energy-efficient FM solutions can be collected through this magazine. Furthermore, an article about how to dive into the novel trend of EV charging for public hotspots-based charging stations is included. Finally, this includes the latest news of IFMSL and IFMSL membership.